ELLIE'S FIRST CHRISTMAS WITH US!!!!!! We waited for so long, and every year would wishfully say, "Maybe next year will be the year she will be with us." Now she is! And what a gift!
She has been going to physical therapy twice a week now for about 5 weeks. We are very pleased with the 2 physical therapists who are working with her. They seem very knowledgable, very patient, very encouraging, and very caring. They won't predict the future but they are optimistic (as are we).
Ellie doesn't like them quite as much as we do. For the first few weeks she cried hard the whole time, every time. The last few times she has cried much less, and the last time she went about 40 minutes before she starting whining and fussing!
We haven't seen any major changes, but we do see minor ones like she is chewing slightly better, her hands open and close more frequently, and on some days she can turn (with enthusiatic coaching) from her stomach to her back by herself.
She is also becoming more content with others holding her (as long as we are nearby), and even happy with some of them!
She continues to be adored by her brothers and sister, and remains well attached to them.