Sunday, July 12, 2009

Miscellaneous from Last 3 months

Kendra's Wedding

Kendra's Wedding

Happy with Gram and Grandad!

Happy with Grandma and Grandpa!

Grandparents Together!

I'm THREE! (April 10, 2009)

Fun with with family!

Birthdays can make me tired!

It looks like she's happy to "flip us a bird"

"Susie Sunshine"

Ellie the Snake Killer


FinsUp said...

There is nothing like an Ellie smile to brighten my day. Thank you for the new pictures.

Happy belated birthday, Ellie! Three years of spreading sunshine is hard work!


Jennifer Beaty (Thompson) said...

Yeah for adoption!!! Thank you for welcoming a "special" child into your family. I oversee the care of 41 abandoned/orphaned/removed babies and young children in Bolivia, many with special needs. Pray that our CP babies receive wonderful homes, like Ellie!

Blessings on your family,
Jennifer from Bolivia

Much Ado said...

Congrats to Kendra on the wedding! Looks like you all had a great day! And as always Ellie is just a little precious bundle of Joy!