Saturday, November 27, 2010

First Fillings!

This week we took Ellie to a dentist we were referred to as someone who has experience with special needs kids.  Her first visit was just a cursory examination which determined she had two cavities that needed filling, and all her teeth needed cleaning.  (Ellie has a dental condition resulting from bad nutrition IN HER BIOLOGICAL MOTHER'S WOMB.  It was also very difficult to brush her teeth the first couple years we had her.  It is a little easier now).  An appointment was made for a few days later to do the fillings.

On that day, she was all happy and smiles at the beginning.  then a bit nervous when they wrapped her in a "straight-jacket" of sorts.  Then a tad more nervous when they started poking around and swabbing her mouth.  But when the drilling started, and they hit roots much sooner than expected, and it ended up being a bigger and longer (and more expensive) job than they expected, she went "crazy".  As it turned out, they only time for one filling, so now she needs to go back for another (and the cleaning).

Also, she went to the pediatrician last Monday and had two shots, didn't cry, and smiled and laughed a lot (for the first time).  On the same day, she got her new AFO's (ankle-foot-orthotics), went to speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy, and did GREAT for all those things.

She has also been sleeping well most of this week!  Overall, she's doing much better!

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