Saturday, November 24, 2012

Pics from Earlier in the Year 2012

Although these pics are from April 2012, I just found them on Kendra's FB wall...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Global Orphan Crisis

We received a copy of the book "The Global Orphan Crisis" this week by author Diane Elliot who was gracious enough to include Ellie's picture and story in the book! 

You can visit Diane's blog at:

Please buy a copy of this informative and inspirational book!

You can find it at:

Halloween party 2012

 Not sure if this is a tired Tigger, or a Tigger about to sneeze, or just caught between smiles
Tigger's lesser-known brother Will was an out-of-work wizard willing to do magic for food

                             FrankenNerd, Indiana Jones, and Tigger--a Happy Family!

Tigger's father started as FrankenNerd but he couldn't eat through the mask, so he just went for "Scott Nerd"