Reading time for the "kids"
Exercise by the "sleep-learning" method
Q: Has Ellie been specifically diagnosed?
A: As mentioned earlier in this blog, she was officially diagnosed by her neurologist last November with Cerebral Palsy.
Q: What is the doctor's prognosis for Ellie?
A: There remains no definitive prognosis other than the strong recommendation that we continue to pursue physical therapy, with the hope that improvement will result
Q: How is it going with physical therapy?
A: Though Ellie cried hard the first few months, she is much more used to her sessions now. Her occupational therapist (play therapy for fine motor skills) is Miss Eftihia and Ellie has two sessions a week with her. She has two physical therapists (Mr. Dimitris and Mr. Nikos) and she sees each of them once per week. They are all positive about her very slow progress, but it is progress. They are hopeful for the future without making any specific promises or guarantees.
I would also like to mention that we are very pleased with the therapists. They are very skilled, patient, caring, and knowledgeable.
Q: How old is Ellie?
A: 28 months as of August 10th (her birth date is April 10, 2006)
Q: What can Ellie do by herself?
A: She can lie on the floor (or in her bed), she can smile in a way that lights up the house, she can laugh in a way that can lift the deepest depression, she can radiate cuteness like crazy, she can sleep, and she make dirty diapers. She can also eat just about anything these days if given to her in small pieces. She has improving (though not complete) head control. She can open her hands more often than she used to, and hold on to some things. She will usually lower her head when you tell her to (usually, this is necessary when holding a cup of water for her). RARELY, she has turned over by herself.
Q: What can Ellie do with assistance?
A: She can drink water from a cup if you hold it patiently and carefully for her. With a lot of coaching from others and quite a bit of effort on her part she can knock over a pile of blocks set in front of her. Sometimes when coached she will turn the page of a "board book". She will show you her tongue when you ask her to. She can sit in a special chair if she is strapped in well.
Q: Has she spoken in words yet?
A: Nothing intelligible, though she is becoming more "verbal" with baby talk and cooing.
Q: How has she bonded with the family?
A: Excellently! She also does OK with others if she has had time to get to know them. She still does not do well at all with strangers or people she has not spent that much time with.
1 comment:
Dear Ellie,
Please thank your mom for putting up new pictures and videos. I can't wait to get home tonight because my work computer doesn't play videos. You continue to be a delight to your fans here in cyberspace. I don't think I have ever seen a better worn pair of sunglasses. And, I, too, prescribe to the sleep/learn philosophy. You keep up the hard work. I'll be one of many rooting for you!
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