Sunday, May 9, 2010


The other night after her bath, she was being very "verbal".  A couple years ago (after her bath, when she seems the most "verbal") she said what sounded like (to both me and Vicki), "I love you."  Ever since then we have been trying to get her to repeat it.  A few times in the last couple years she has spoken some garbled verbiage, sometimes sounding similar to "iwuvyu".

However, a couple nights ago, she said (AS CLEARLY AS YOU OR I WOULD SAY IT), "I love you"!!!!  She only said it very clearly one time, but she followed it up (amidst my laughter and crying) with a few less clear "I love you's".

Then Friday, while we were in the HBOT chamber together, she was very clearly intentionally TRYING (unsuccessfully) to form her hand/fingers into the hand sign for "I love you" (which we constantly show to her while repeating this phrase many times a day to her).  Then I would take her hand and make it into this sign and she would smile real big and get happy about it.


HubeiMama said...

Amazing. Beautiful. Awesome. I'm about to melt just reading that so I can only imagine how incredible it was for you.

Thanks for sharing!!!

Unknown said...

this is so beautiful and encouraging. thanks for sharing scott!

FinsUp said...

Wonderous! I know you have waited a long time to hear that. She has felt it for so much longer, though.