Monday, December 30, 2013

A Most Encouraging Day at Shriners Hospital!

Today may have been one of the most, if not THE most, encouraging day regarding Ellie's potential since she came into our life over 6 1/2 years ago!

Among other things, we heard about a girl similar to Ellie who came to Shriners when she was 5.  Today that girl is a woman independently mobile in a wheelchair she controls with her head, she has a job, and is married!  (No promises or guarantees were being made about Ellie, just hope and encouragement).

They put Ellie in a similar chair (unfortunately it wasn't really charged enough to use more than a couple minutes) and she did better than I expected, and seemed to really understand the connection between what she did with her head and the movement of the chair!  They were very encouraged and believe that with a little practice she will do quite well in such a mobility device.

They also gave us a new (used) stander to take home today (see pic below), and they gave us hope about possible communication devices in the future.

We have many more appointments in the next couple of months, but we are really looking forward with expectation that we will see HELP in her progress.  Thank you for your continued prayers on her behalf!

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